Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mac & Cheeze

The evil temptress known only as "cheese" has haunted me through all my vegan years. What can I say, as someone who grew up in Wisconsin (and as a human being)...I love cheese! Here's the problem, I won't eat it! So what's a girl to do...

I scour the vegan blogs and various sites daily for the latest and greatest secretly yearning for cheesey recipes. It must have been a few months back I encountered the Mac & Cheeze recipe on vegnews.com. There is a god.

My first stab went pretty well - I added a whole package of noodles (12oz) instead of the suggested 8oz so it was a little dry and I was disappointed. Yesterday we gave it another whirl and it was glorious indeed. I am happy to report such success for vegan Mac & Cheeze not only without tofu but without nutritional yeast!! It's too bad there is so much butter that needs to be added but for a special "now and again" treat I'm not going to stress about it.

Try the recipe yourself....here!

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